Telema Giovani, Talents and Professions

If knowledge were irreparably separated from thought, then we would become hopeless beings, not so much slaves to our machines as to our expertise, creatures devoid of thought at the mercy of every technically conceivable device, no matter how deadly. 

– Hannah Arendt, Vita Activa (1958)


We have created a specific service dedicated to young talents who are just entering the world of work. Our aim is to encourage a fruitful and positive encounter between companies and young talents. For this reason, we follow with interest the professional development paths linked to the world of masters, PhDs, specialization schools, research fields and all the centres of excellence both in Italy and Europe, searching for the most advanced skills, in line with the specific demands of the market.

We also continuously monitor specific areas and recruit qualified personnel in the following contexts:

  • luxury goods and fashion (stylists, product development, digital marketing, communication);
  • catering and distribution systems (chefs, gastronomes, sommeliers, waiters, butchers, charcutiers);
  • maintenance for industry, real estate and hotellerie.

Marco Cassarà, Here she comes, 2012
Oil on panel, 90x110cm