Telema and Science
Our relationship with science is one of continuity and organic. We have a historically close relationship with the academic and scientific world. We also systematically and closely follow the developments of management disciplines, Sociology of Work and digital transformation.
We have established lecturing and scientific collaboration with several Italian universities: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Università degli Studi ‘Gabriele D’Annunzio’ in Chieti, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (where Telema’s founder has taught), and the University of Milan – ‘La Statale’, where we hold seminars on search and selection and have conducted webinars and academic research.
Our connection with science and academic community has also allowed us to develop several tools supporting our recruiting, assessment, and coaching activities.
Elena Sancassani, Il frutto della conoscenza, 2005
Col. photography

Industries and Functions
In the field of digital we have expertise in the main areas: fintech, IoT, multichannel, robotics and process automation, data management and data governance, business intelligence, cyber security.
On top of this we work across a variety of industries:
- Architecture/Engineering/Construction
- Automotive
- Banking, Finance, Insurance
- Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Food and specialized distribution, Retail
- Energy, Oil & Gas
- Fashion & Luxury
- Manufacturing (Machinery, Plant Engineering)
- Digital Services, Software, IT Consulting
And several functions:
- Purchasing
- Administration, Finance & Control
- Marketing & Communication
- Operations;
- Human Resources
- Sales
- Quality, Safety & Environment
- Research & Development
We offer services in outsourcing or body-rental for specific projects or as continuous inhouse HR for small but complex companies.
Unknown author, Savona: Fiera di S. Lucia
Bw. photography
Our tools
Our systematic and long-term relationship with the scientific and academic world has allowed us to develop several tools to support our search & selection, assessment, and coaching activities.
These tools, taken from scientific literature, developed in-house and/or scientifically validated by us, have a high reliability and pragmatic relevance; they can be customized based on our clients’ specific needs.
Our tests are designed to detect and analyze cognitive, personality and value-based dimensions (e.g. Personality Inventory Five Factors, Cognitive Multi Skills Questionnaire, Innovation & Culture Today – the latter is currently being finalized and validated). They contribute to the more comprehensive objective of a careful assessment of the fit between Person and Organization (P-O fit and Multi-Level fit).
Our Work-Related Stress Risk assessment tool (Multifactor Organizational Risk Stress Questionnaire) can be used both to conduct specific analyses on stress and to assess the company climate and organizational well-being.
Sonia, our proprietary web platform, characterized by high levels of flexibility, ensures quick and easy administration of tests, surveys and data processing.
Antonio Sabatelli, Eva, 1967
Watercolor, 47×65 cm